De zomer is een tijd van ontspanning en vakanties voor velen. Hoewel het misschien niet het eerste moment is waarop je aan user testen denkt, biedt de vakantieperiode juist een waardevolle kans. Want juist in de zomerperiode aandacht besteden aan gebruiksonderzoek om je digitale product, dienst of platform te verbeteren biedt allerlei voordelen. In dit artikel vind je vijf redenen waarom user testen in de zomer een slim idee is.
1. Free time
During the summer, people are more relaxed and often have more free time. This makes it easier to find participants willing to participate in your user test. Take advantage of this availability and gather valuable feedback to improve your website or platform.
2. Capacity
During the summer period, many colleagues are on vacation and the pace of work is often a bit slower. Of course, this does not mean that you have to stand completely still. Usability testing usually requires little capacity from your team, so you can keep this project going precisely during the summer without putting too much strain on your team.
3. Preparing for the fall
The process from recruiting respondents to analyzing and delivering results can take at least four to six weeks. By starting user testing during the summer, you can start working on the results immediately after the vacations. If you wait until after the vacations, you will slow down the process and take longer to benefit from the insights.
4. Input for other projects
A user test yields an average of 30 to 50 concrete optimizations and insights. These findings are valuable not only for improving your current project, but also for future projects. Understand how your customers experience your website and use this knowledge to inform and improve new projects.
5. Quickly reap benefits
By getting started with the results immediately after the vacations, you'll benefit from the optimizations resulting from the user test for the rest of the year. You put the improvements into action right away and enjoy the benefits throughout the period.
By conducting user tests in the summer, you take advantage of the available time, capacity and input for further development. It's a strategic choice that will give your website or platform an edge. Don't miss this opportunity and start planning your summer user testing today! Do you need help with this? The Adwise UX Lab is equipped with all the smart techniques and facilities for optimal user testing. For more information, click on the button below.
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