
65% drop in Cost Per Acquisition for Atkins

How to gain a distinctive position in a competitive market
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How to get the diet target group engaged with the Atkins brand

Atkins International is known worldwide for its low-carb products. They saw competition in the Dutch diet market become fiercer in recent years. That is why we worked together with Atkins on the establishment of a distinctive brand and unique position in the market. The objective of the strategy was binding the diet target group to the Atkins brand. We focused on incitement to action, which in this case meant signing up for a free Atkins diet. Together, we managed to get the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) to drop 65% with a clever advertising strategy. How? We'll explain that below.

Nominated for a Dutch Search Award - Best full funnel campaign

The need to reposition

In a changing and competitive market .

To pursue this objective, we set-up all advertising campaigns with a focus on the conversion : ‘subscription’. The entire funnel within Facebook and Instagram is constructed according to the various stages of the customer journey. Despite promising short-term results of this campaign strategy with lots of subscriptions, costs per registration started to increase. We also noticed target groups started to change as well as their behaviour. The target group previously used generic diet search terms, but their knowledge about the various diet types in the markt has increased considerably; partially because of influencers and social contacts. As a result, the target group has split into sub-target groups, with each sub-group having its own specific and new interests. These changes to target groups and their behaviour forced Atkins to look for a way to reposition itself in the markt in order to regain control over the competition. On our way to that new position, we wanted to lower the CPA, which in january 2020 still was €5.30.

New campaign strategy

By performing various channel analyses.

To map the needs and behaviour of the target group again, various channel analyses were performed: 

  1. Keyword analysis of the most important and popular diets in the market.
  2. Webcare analysis of incoming questions and comments posted by the target group on their social media channels and those of Atkins. 
  3. Social listening via OBI4wan on fora, comparison sites and target group behaviour on social media channels of the competition. 

All this data provided us with new and valuable insights into the consumer's changing behaviour. It also forced us to think of a completely new campaign strategy. The new objective became convincing the target group through Atkins' distinctiveness relative to other diets. 

A dynamic concept

From keyword analysis to animations .

We created a content calendar based on the keyword analysis and our findings mentioned earlier. This calender included substantive and in-dept SEO articles on the differences between Atkins and other popular diets in the market. Especially the main difference between the diets was explained in order to generate an organic contribution to the strategy objective as well. The overall focus was on the benefits of the Atkins diet compared to other diets. Aftering making SEO articles, we developed a creative and dynamic Facebook Advertising concept which again highlighted the unique upsides of the Atkins diet in comparison to other diets in the market. The final result of the concept consisted of four animoations. Every animation highlighted the benefits of the Atkins diet, adjusted to one of the following four popular diets : The mediterranean diet, the Paleo diet, the Keto diet and the low-callorie diet. 

Optimization of campaigns

Convincing the target group .

Finally, the campaign strategy and structure of Facebook campaigns was set up again. The awareness phase of the customer journey was split up based on interests and campaign design was targeted per ad set, again based on the interests in various diets. Target groups got to see one of four animations, depending on their diet interest. After clicking through to the website, the target group was encouraged to register for free for the Atkins diet through remarketing campaigns. Google ads and Microsoft ads campaigns were optimized next to SEO and Facebook Advertising, in order to respond to the specific online search behaviour of the various dieters. Ads were created for Atkins' Paleo-, Keto, Mediterranean and low-callorie diet in order to convince the target audience of Atkins' diet benefits compared to other diets. 

65% drop in Cost Per Acquisition

Biggest CPA drop in years .

It has become clear that the Atkins diet offers more benefits to the target group than all the other available diets in the market. These benefits are the main pillars for Atkins' distinctiveness in relation to the ever-changing competition. The use of the creative concept, the USP's of the Atkins diet compared to other popular diets and the restructuring of campaigns, resulted in 65% drop in cost per acquisition across all advertising channels in eight months. 

  • Januariy 2020 : CPA of €5,30 
  • Augustus 2020: CPA of €1,83

This is the biggest CPA drop within social campaigns in the past 2 years. The SEO articles, in turn, contributed to an overall increase improvement of organic positions on diet focus keywords. 

  • Top 10 positions in january 2020 : 13
  • Top 10 positions in july 2020 : 23

Because of the good and scalable results, we have implemented this strategy as well in social advertising campaigns for Atkins Australia. 

Curious about what we can do for your brand?

Pauline, head of Display / Social advertising, is happy to help.

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