
40% increase in ROAS thanks to new shopping structure

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At Kaartje2go, you have a wide selection of cards to send for any occasion, from birthdays to weddings and from Christmas to Mother's Day. However, the demand for many types of cards is seasonal or occasion-specific. That's why Kaartje2go needed a more flexible advertising structure. We worked together to create this, resulting in significant increases in both ROAS and conversion rates. In this case study, you can read about how we did it.


Meet the client.

The concept of Kaartje2go started as a creative idea with a lot of courage in an attic room. After winning the 'Utrechtse start', the ideas were further developed. Customers design the cards themselves and Kaartje2go ensures good quality and service. By constantly surprising customers with unexpectedly good service, success followed and further growth quickly. Kaartje2go is now an indispensable part of the world of online cards.

Visit the website of Kaartje2go

The challenge

Lack of focus.

Kaartje2go was working with a shopping structure where campaigns were running on all product groups. There was no consideration for differences in performance, resulting in equal attention for each product group. And that was the challenge. How do you ensure that products that generate a lot of revenue get priority? This required a campaign structure with product categories and the right campaigns.

The solution

Managing based on demand.

Firstly, we looked at the tools. Which tool or model could we use to respond to the changing demand for cards (such as holiday cards in summer, Christmas cards in winter, and Valentine's Day cards in February), and use the appropriate budgets to push relevant and well-performing products at the right time? This led us to the BCG matrix.

The BCG matrix

Stars and Dogs.

In the BCG matrix, product groups are classified based on market growth and market share. Some products even generate a lot of revenue with low volume, while other products yield relatively little. Using this model as a framework, we determined which products deserve the most attention in campaigns at specific times. Combined with the available data, we optimized the shopping campaigns and budget allocation as much as possible.


Zelfde volume, meer conversie.

Dankzij de nieuwe Shopping campagnestructuur blijven we continu inspelen op juiste producten en krijgen de producten de aandacht die ze verdienen. De aanwezige productdata gebruiken we optimaal en de input voor automatisering verloopt op de juiste manier. Dit heeft geresulteerd in een ROAS verbetering van maar liefst 40% en een uplift van 13% in conversiewaarde, zonder volumeverlies. 

De productgroepen


Heroes-  Een (kleine) groep producten (ongeveer 10%) welke zorgt voor een groot deel van de inkomsten (ongeveer 80%). Met de juiste aanpak kan je ervoor zorgen dat deze producten nog beter gaan presteren. 

Villains - Het gedeelte onderpresteerders van je producten waar je nu ongeveer 50% van het budget aan besteed maar waar je het niet uit terugverdiend.

Sidekick - Producten welke het goed doen maar net niet dezelfde kracht hebben als de Heroes. Met de juiste aanpak kunnen deze producten wel promoveren tot Hero.

Zombies - Een grote groep (meer dan 60%) van je producten die eigenlijk niet tot nauwelijks vertoningen of kliks krijgen. Ze slapen en wilt ze ontwaken en activeren.

Door deze groepen te gebruiken als kapstok voor de shopping campagne opzet kunnen we, in combinatie met de beschikbare data het budget en de doel-ROAS biedstrategie heel nauwkeurig bepalen. 


ROAS verbetering


Uplift in conversiewaarde zonder volumeverlies

Adwise and Kaartje2go


Same volume, higher conversion rate.

Thanks to the new Shopping campaign structure, we continue to focus on the right products and give each product the attention it deserves. For example, in December, there will be much more focus on Christmas cards, while the focus on summer holiday cards will decrease. We make optimal use of available product data, and input for automation runs smoothly. This has resulted in an impressive 40% improvement in ROAS and a 13% increase in conversion value uplift, without losing volume.


Davey Stokkers, Adwise

Want to optimize your campaigns as well?

I'm happy to assist you.

Davey, Head of SEA / Senior digital advertising marketeer

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