
Innovative user experience and easy management thanks to high-quality website content

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Unleash innovation in tradition

LoooX is an innovative brand in a traditional market; the website needed to reflect that. They wanted to find a user-friendly way to manage items with different variants and colors. In this, they were also looking for a solution that was easy to access both for the administrator, but also for the end user. In this case we show exactly what we did to make this happen.


Meet the client.

LoooX is tough, robust and a tad surprising. With their beautiful bathroom collection, they create a real living room feel in the bathroom. From beautiful oak bathroom furniture, stylish bathroom mirrors to handy accessories.

Visit the new website of LoooX

An inspiring user experience

Synergy between content and technology.

By combining a dynamic CMS with the latest techniques in front-end development, together we have created a website where user and product come together. Much attention has been paid to content, making the entire website a source of inspiration for the visitor.

3D rendered product images

By using 3D rendered product images, we can use a smart color switcher to adjust the images across the entire website. This allows visitors to preview their chosen color in different settings.

100% focus on content

In consultation with LoooX, it was chosen to have 100% focus on content. In their market, the visual aspect is very important in the decision-making process, so content production was deployed at a high level. This ensures that the website is one whole and it looks top notch visually.

Website easily managed in-house

Thanks to a modular block system, LoooX can now create their own customizations and pages without our intervention. This gives them complete creative freedom in managing their website. 

PIM link for easy management

With a link toward PIM, it becomes even easier for LoooX to manage product information in a central location.

1. Data inventory and content design.

First, we worked with Ten Tusscher to determine what needed to be recorded in the PIM system and what source systems there were to access data from. That turned out to be the POS system in the physical stores. In parallel, we picked up the content design. The layout was given a contemporary look.

2. Offline in addition to online

In addition, Ten Tusscher not only wants to serve customers online, but also to attract people to the physical stores for a service, for a test drive or to browse around the showroom at your leisure. Daniel: "They tinker with passion, know a lot about it and help you if you run into something. The design reflects this by using images of bikes in the showroom and bike mechanics at work in the workshop."

3. Automate, optimize and test

Once the products are in the PIM, they can be automatically transferred to the web shop. We then got to work on the front-end functionality and thus the technical implementation. We then put the finishing touches on the test environment.


The product route

from procurement to data enrichment.

In this project, the path the products take comes into focus. It starts with the purchase orders in Cyclosoft, the POS system. At that point, Ten Tusscher knows little more than the part number and name of a new model and a picture of the prototype. "At that point, we already start to create the model in the PIM. Then we enrich it step by step as more data become known. During the year it becomes clear what chain is on it, what type of brake, in what colors the model is available, et cetera.

We then turn this into a pleasantly readable text. For example, a size of 21 inches does not tell customers much. We make a translation. For example: 'This bike fits well with a body height of 184 cm'. Only when the item is ready to be sold online does it actually go through to the Magento shop. At the front end, consumers can then filter, for example, by 'bikes that fit my height.'" Once a customer places an order through the webshop, this is fed back to the POS system.

Happy customer

For more targeted targeting.


In numbers.


Meer conversies


Meer vertoningen

+ 36%

Meer clicks

- 32%

Daling van de Cost Per Click

- 61%

Minder kosten per lead

En dan...live!

Nadat alle voorbereidingen waren afgerond en het technische landschap klaar was voor livegang, was het moment daar om de nieuwe website van Ten Tusscher officieel te lanceren!

De nieuwe website van Ten Tusscher bekijken

Reactie van de klant

Verwachtingen overtroffen.

De basis die wij hadden staan wat betreft content en advertising op de marktplaatsen oké, maar om de volgende stap te maken zijn wij gaan samenwerken met Adwise. Hun strategische marketplaces aanpak naar product content, assortimentsanalyse en advertising heeft ervoor gezorgd dat wij de doelstellingen ruim overtroffen hebben. Een goede samenwerking dus!

Jeroen Boeve Directeur Specishops
Jeroen Boeve Directeur Specishops

Klaar voor de toekomst

Dankzij solide en schaalbare basis.

De samenwerking werd vergemakkelijkt door de technische kennis van het team van Ten Tusscher. Ze zagen het belang in van een nieuw PIM systeem, waarmee ze nu een solide basis hebben om verder te groeien. Vanuit die basis kunnen we nu gaan doorontwikkelen en verschillende functies aan het technisch platform toevoegen.

“Ten Tusscher kan de productinformatie steeds verder uitbouwen, zonder dat er veel tecnhische kennis voor nodig is. Overigens werken er vooral digital natives bij Ten Tusscher, wat prettig samenwerkt. Ze begrepen dat er een nieuw PIM-systeem moest komen en dat alleen een nieuw schilletje niet volstond. Net voor de start van het fietsseizoen zijn ze klaar om een stap te verder te zetten!'' - Daniel Lefers, Adwise technical consultant
Daniel Lefers

Also in need of a new website?

We'd like to help you.

Daniel Lefers, Adwise senior technial architect

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Best Fullservice Digital Agency '24