Thanks to a user-friendly process.
Tenants are now able to immediately report outages via their mobile phone. A chatbot then checks if the tenant is registered in the system. If so, a URL for reporting their issue is sent to the tenant. They are supported and guided throughout the entire reporting process. They also have the option of sharing photos or videos of the issue. An algorithm then determines which specialist would be best suited to fix the issue, based on their skills and the relevant location. The tenant then receives a number of optional dates to schedule the repairs.
The outage alert is then forwarded to the relevant maintenance company and the schedule of the most suitable specialist based on their skills and the relevant location. This ensures that the specialist is up to date on everything and can head out well prepared. Afterwards, the tenant can use the platform to review the performance of the specialist. This gives property managers insight into the type of outages that occur in their properties, the time it takes for them to be resolved, the number of outages per unit, the geographic distribution of said outages, customer/tenant satisfaction, and resolved outages (both within and outside of the scope of the Service Level Agreement).