Kalfire Fireplaces

Successful move from B2B to B2C market thanks to seven-language CMS migration

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From B2B to B2C

Fireplace manufacturer Kalfire previously focused primarily on B2B lead generation through its Europe-wide dealer network. With its innovative electric fireplaces, with no installation requirements, Kalfire thought it was time to enter the business-to-consumer market as well. That shift in focus called for a new online e-commerce platform with sufficient functionality to successfully serve consumers directly.

In this case you can read how Kalfire switched to a brand new B2B and B2C platform including online fireplace configurator and SAP connection.

Kalfire fireplaces

Meet the client.

With the second generation now at the helm, Kalfire has developed into a global player in the field of fireplaces with a focus on ambience, aesthetics and sustainability. Based on the belief that fire soothes and creates a sense of belonging, Kalfire fireplaces deliver innovative fireplace technologies and a wide range of fireplaces, including gas and electric fireplaces.

Visit the website

The challenge

Migration to seven-language B2B/B2C platform.

With the launch of their new product, an electric fireplace, Kalfire wanted to gain a foothold in the B2C market. To do that successfully, the fireplace manufacturer needed a new website that had to have all the necessary e-commerce functionalities as well as be launched in 7 languages. Kalfire wanted to serve consumers in each country directly in their own language.

To reduce the amount of manual work and maintenance in different content management systems (CMS) and improve customer service, multiple websites had to be migrated to an integrated B2B and B2C platform. 

Bissell website

Strategy phase 1

CMS, content and migration.

Craft CMS
The new Content Management System had to meet a number of requirements, including flexibility, e-commerce integration capabilities and open-source so that Kalfire remains agency-independent into the future. On that basis, we chose Craft.

Kalfire wants to create a warm, homey atmosphere with its products. This needed to be clearly reflected in the content. Together with a multidisciplinary Adwise client team, we developed a suitable strategy for this.

As a final step within the first phase, we migrated all the old websites from the old CMS during a targeted go live. Then phase two could begin: the implementation of e-commerce. 

Bissell website

Strategy phase 2

Configurator, SAP connection, Product data management.

To make the online shopping experience as customized as possible for consumers, we have developed a configurator that allows them to build their own fireplace based on type and dimensions. The configurator pulls its data from SAP, a system that helps organizations with their digital transformation and effectively streamlines business processes, among other things. The connection with SAP allows Kalfire to manage data centrally in their new CMS. 

This connection ensures data consistency and facilitates management. Using the same connection, we created a dealer page that maps all dealers in Europe. 

Eenvoudig beheer met PIM koppeling

Klanten moeten kunnen vertrouwen op nauwkeurige en gedetailleerde gegevens van producten. Zeker als je als groeiende commerce speler marktaandeel wilt opbouwen. Een Product Information Management systeem is hierin van onschatbare waarde. Daarom hebben we een koppeling geïntegreerd met Akeneo

Bissell kan daardoor productinformatie razendsnel én accuraat verzamelen, beheren en publiceren in allerlei verschillende talen. Zeker op grote schaal scheelt dit veel tijd en kosten, naast dat Bissell producten in alle landen altijd voorzien zijn van up-to-date en betrouwbare informatie. 

Adwise Kalfire

Result and impact

One integrated website.

Thanks to the consolidation of multiple websites into one integrated B2B and B2C platform, Kalfire now saves significant time and costs through the massive reduction in manual management and maintenance. The level of Kalfire's service delivery has improved significantly, thanks, among other things, to the hearth configurator, which has increased customer satisfaction in all countries. In addition, thanks to husing Craft CMS Kalfire benefits from flexible content management and has the ability to seamlessly integrate new e-commerce functionalities. 

These results have enabled Kalfire not only to serve the current market more effectively, but also to prepare for future challenges and growth opportunities in the industry. Kalfire has thus successfully made the challenging move from B2B to B2C. 

Adwise Kalfire
Adwise Kalfire
Adwise Kalfire

De impact

Fundament voor wereldwijde expansie.

De resultaten hebben een transformatieve impact op Bissell, waarbij de ambitieuze groeiplannen in Europa en ook in Japan, China en het Midden-Oosten nu niet alleen haalbaar maar ook tastbaar zijn geworden.

Bissell is nu uniform online aanwezig in meerdere Europese landen, waardoor consumenten wereldwijd een consistente ervaring hebben, terwijl lokale nuances behouden blijven. En dat is een van de belangrijkste aanjagers om in meerdere markten tegelijk marktaandeel te veroveren. 

De behaalde resultaten betekenen niet alleen dat Bissell zowel in sales als naamsbekendheid kan groeien in Europa, maar het legt ook het fundament voor verdere wereldwijde expansie, waarmee het bedrijf zijn positie als homecare specialist verder kan verstevigen en zich verder kan positioneren als mondiale speler.

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